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Worksheet 4 [Working with Queries] Grade 8

Answer the following questions:

Ques 1. Describe the followings:
a. Select query retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the record set in a datasheet. you can also use Select query to group data, and to calculate sum, count average, and other types of total.

b. Parameter query is a type of select query that prompts you for input before it runs. the query then uses your input as criteria that controls the results. For example: You can design it to prompt for two dates.

c. Action query creates a new table or alters your data or database by adding, deleting, updating and appending data from it.

d. Cross tab query uses row headings and column headings, so that you can see your data in terms of two categories at once.

Ques 2. What are the different views of Form in MS ACCESS 2010? Explain.
Ans. There are three main views of Form in MS Access 2010:-
a. FORM VIEW: It is used to enter, edit and view data.
b. DESIGN VIEW: It is used to adjust the design of your form.
c. LAYOUT VIEW: It is used to change the appearance and size of various controls of a form.

Ques 3. Write steps to set the relationship between tables.
Ans. a. Click on the Database tools tab. Select the Relationship button from the Relationship group.
b. The show table window appears, select the required table and click on the add button. the selected table will appear as a small window in the Relationship window. Likewise, add another tables to the Relationship window.
c. Click on the close button to close the show Table dialog box.
d. You can activate the "Queries" tab if your relationship are based on queries, or activate 'both' tab if relationship are based on both the tables and queries.
e. Drag the primary key of the parent table and drop it over the same field in the child table.
f. The cursor changes to an arrow and the Edit relationships dialog box appears.
g. Click on the create button. Access creates the relationship between the tables. this helps in Joining two tables to form a large table. Thus, it reduces data redundancy and data inconsistency.
h. A line linking the two tables will appear indicating that both have been linked on the basis of the lined field.
i. Click on the save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save the Relationship.


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